Sanns ADR Services

Top 10 Read Posts on the Blog in 2017

Here are the top 10 read blog posts in 2017:

  1. What are your chances at trial? How well do plaintiffs and defendants do in state civil courts?
  2. Gamesmanship In A Lawsuit And Discovery Can Cost You
  3. Do Retired Judges Make Good Mediators?
  4. Are Hugs at Work Sexual Harassment?
  5. When Is a Deal a Deal in Mediation? Write it Down and Sign It!
  6. NJ Supreme Court allows notice by Email in Real Estate Transaction
  7. Attorney Fees and Fee Shifting
  8. Costs of Discovery Leading to More Settlements
  9. The Dangers of Losers Pay Costs in Lawsuits
  10. (tie) Win a $256M Verdict but Still Lose? and Non-Disclosure in Sexual Harassment Settlements…Good Idea or Not?

Thanks for reading!


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